IT Security: Does Anti-Virus Software Still Matter?
As anti-virus vendors ratchet up the general level of hysteria, plenty of people are reconsidering their options.

by John Edwards
September 20, 2007

Using a computer without an anti-virus program? That's like driving without a seatbelt - or jumping out of a plane without a parachute, right?

Or not. As users become more knowledgeable about safe computing practices, and as anti-virus solutions vendors ratchet up the general level of hacker hysteria, many people are reconsidering their system security options.

Some computer users complain about the cost of anti-virus solutions, while others are more concerned about the technology's impact on their machines. It's certainly no secret that anti-virus tools place a big strain on processor and memory resources and are capable of slowing older machines to a crawl. A growing number of computer users are thinking about giving anti-virus software the old heave-ho.

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