PC Magazine: The Best Encryption Software of 2017
Just because you have antivirus software installed on your PC doesn't mean a zero-day Trojan can't steal your personal data. Encryption keeps you safe from malware (and the NSA).

By Neil J. Rubenking
December 20, 2016

The Electronic Frontier Foundation aims to protect Web traffic by encrypting the entire Internet using HTTPS. Chrome now puts a little warning marker in the Address Bar next to any non-secure HTTP address. Encryption is important, and not only for Web surfing. If you encrypt all of the sensitive documents on your desktop or laptop, a hacker or laptop thief won't be able to parley their possession into identity theft, bank account takeover, or worse. To help you select an encryption product that's right for your computer, we've rounded up a collection of current products. As we review more products in this area, we'll keep the list up to date.

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