eSecurityPlanet: The Best Way to Remove Viruses and Malware (Part 3): The Clean-Up
July 20, 2009
By Michael Horowitz

This is the final installment in a trio of articles on removing malicious software (malware) from an infected Windows machine.

I doubt that anyone can argue with the initial premise, from Part 1, that it's better to scan the machine from the outside, to bypass any defenses the malware has in place.

Building on that premise, I prefer to use the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows (UBCD4WIN) to provide access to the infected hard drive. It offers a handful of anti-malware programs on the CD and, as we saw last time in Part 2, can also offer network access to the infected machine.

Here I'll recount my experiences using both network access and the software included with the Ultimate Boot CD for Windows to clean up an infected Windows machine. All the software discussed here is free.

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