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Internet Security: ESET Threat Blog


ESET Threat Blog: Why Anti-Virus is not a waste of money

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BY RIGHARD ZWIENENBERG December 4, 2012 It has happened before, it just happened again and it will happen in the future. It is inevitable! Some company that needs to get some press coverage or pub READ MORE

ESET Threat Blog: Free Anti-virus: Worth Every Penny?

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BY DAVID HARLEY April 6, 2012 Andrew Lee just drew my attention to a poll carried out by an IT magazine in the UK, asking the question 'Do you think it's necessary to use paid-for anti-virus softw READ MORE

ESET Threat Blog: VirusTotal, Useful Engines, and Useful AV

Votes:11 Comments:0
BY DAVID HARLEY April 2, 2012 In a recent blog on whether security professionals really don't use anti-virus (sorry, but quite a few of us do!) I mentioned a paper by myself and Julio Canto on the READ MORE

ESET Threat Blog: Security professionals DO use anti-virus

Votes:22 Comments:0
BY DAVID HARLEY March 5, 2012 It was back in the 1990s when someone told me that operating systems like Windows NT were getting so safe that AV would soon be out of business. And I hear on a regul READ MORE

ESET Threat Blog: Autorun and Conficker not dead yet: Threat Trends Report

Votes:27 Comments:0
BY DAVID HARLEY January 10, 2012 So farewell, then, 2011. (With apologies to Private Eye's poet-less-than-laureate E.J. Thribb.) ESET's December ThreatSense Report, as before, looks at threat t READ MORE

ESET Threat Blog: Are your USB flash drives an infectious malware delivery syste...

Votes:13 Comments:0
BY STEPHEN COBB December 10, 2012 USB flash drives continue to present a serious challenge to information security, for consumers and companies alike. You will be aware of this if you read our rec READ MORE

ESET Threat Blog: 1000 days of Conficker

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August 17, 2011 by Aryeh Goretsky It has been 1,000 days since the Conficker worm first appeared on November 21, 2008. For the first two months after its initial appearance we received a trickle READ MORE

ESET Threat Blog: Windows 8: there's more to security than the Operating System

Votes:30 Comments:0
BY DAVID HARLEY November 5, 2012 There are things almost as certain as death and taxes: crime is one of them. And there are certain events that always seem to trigger certain kinds of cybercrime. READ MORE

ESET Threat Blog: A white paper: Windows 8's Security Features

Votes:11 Comments:0
BY ARYEH GORETSKY October 23, 2012 [NOTE: For the latest information about compatibility between ESET's software and Windows 8, please see the following blog post: W8ing for V6: What ESET has in s READ MORE

ESET Threat Blog: Stuxnet, Flamer, Flame, Whatever Name: There's just no good ma...

Votes:26 Comments:0
BY STEPHEN COBB June 21, 2012 A week ago the big malware news was the code known as Flame, Flamer, or sKyWIper (detected by ESET as Win32/Flamer.A), then on June 1, this news broke: "A damaging cy READ MORE
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