Blue Coat - Security Blog: Old Botnets Never Die, They Just Fade Away...
August 13, 2012
By Chris Larsen | Co-Author Patrick Cummins

[Patrick, our botnet guru, was collecting botnet traffic statistics last month for an upcoming report. In reviewing some of the early drafts, I noticed that he said we were still seeing "Flashback" bot traffic, which I thought was interesting. We blogged on Flashback several months ago when it made the news as a significant threat to Macs, and after looking at his data, I thought it was worth posting an update... --C.L.]

Based on WebPulse's traffic analysis modules, here are some interception counts (where WebPulse returned a malware category) for the Mac OS-based Flashback exploit and the corresponding Flashfake botnet. To show a bit of trending, I have presented them in weekly ranges:

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