CSO: 9 common security awareness mistakes (and how to fix them)
To err is human, but to err in cyber security can cause major damage to an organization. It will never be possible to be perfect, but major improvement is possible, just by being aware of some of the most common mistakes and their consequences.

By Taylor Armerding
Jan 29, 2015

Every recent study of security vulnerabilities has come to the same conclusion: The human factor is a greater risk to organizations than flaws in technology.

And that, most experts agree, is in large measure due to a lack of security awareness - people are either unaware of increasingly sophisticated threats, or they get careless.

There is, of course, no such thing as 100% security. But it could be a lot better if workers at every level, in every organization, avoided the common security awareness mistakes listed below.

The list was generated with the help of several security experts, who also offered advice on how organizations can minimize or even eliminate them:

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