Blue Coat: Why Your Mobile Device Isn’t As Secure As You Think
February 20, 2014

Most people have the illusion that phones are somehow impervious to viruses and that you are safe browsing virtually anything online. Not so. Mobile usage is growing fast, and it is only going to get bigger in 2014 and beyond.

While it’s true that mobile users have been relatively free from attacks when compared to PC users, that is because the cyber attackers saw no real monetary advantage of attacking mobile when compared to the huge PC market.

However, with more and more consumers switching over to mobile devices to make purchases and perform online banking, mobile is becoming a much more lucrative field for hackers. For organizations, there is every indication that these threats will continue to expand with the growth of mobile devices in the workplace.

In 2012, AVG's Threat Labs detected almost four million mobile threats. More than a year later, it's safe to say that those threats have long passed the 4-million mark. What follows is a look at the main reasons mobile devices are positioned to become the big, new security threat to individuals and organizations going forward — and what can be done to limit your risk.

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