CSO: The 4 most insecure areas of online behavior
By Kristin Burnham
Aug 11, 2015

Security experts and users follow a drastically different set of best practices to protect their security online, according to a new report from Google.

The company, which surveyed 231 security experts and 294 web users, found that the experts—defined as working five or more years in computer security—placed software updates, unique passwords and two-factor authentication atop their list of online security best practices.

Users, however, prioritized their top security measures differently: They listed antivirus software, strong passwords and frequent password changes. Users also admitted to delaying the installation of software updates and expressed a lack of trust in password managers.

“To improve security advice, our community must find out what practices people use and what recommendations, if messaged well, are likely to bring the highest benefit while being realistic to ask of people,” the report said. “The experts’ practices are rated as good advice by experts, while those employed by non-experts received mixed ratings."

Here’s a look at where security experts and users differed the most.

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