InfoWorld: Terrific software and support ... for criminal botnet builders
Shadowy vendor of botnet construction kits based on Citadel Trojan provides platform with customer service that commercial software companies could learn from

By Woody Leonhard
February 13, 2012

There's a new development platform on the market, and it boasts outstanding developer support.

The platform's all open source. There's a built-in developer message board, with threaded conversations and social networking features. The manufacturer not only responds to bug reports and feature suggestions, it assigns tracking numbers and, in the spirit of open source, accepts solutions both from the company's developers and from customers. The manufacturer puts new features up for a vote, implementing the ones that most developers want. The board's active, the manufacturer's responsive, and the product's reasonably stable and by all accounts quite profitable. There's even a user's manual, release notes, and a license agreement, all in Russian.

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