MacCompanion: Cyber Security - You and your Macintosh, one step at a time
Safe, Secure & Polite Macin' - Things You Should Practice
By Harry {doc} Babad
Most of us are well aware that the world we 'live' consume and compute it is vulnerable to the actions of the "bad guy." Never the less, few of us have ever sat down with a checklist and done the few simple things that would lower our personal and family risk. None of what will follow is quantum physics, rocket science or even coding and scripting. I know because I can ‘t do any of these things, but my friends to them w/o blinking an eye. Notice I’ve not mentioned medical disease diagnosis or genetic engineering; those are still alas closer, these days alas, to witchcraft and intuition (psi), than science.
Nope, what I’m sharing is enhanced personal security and protection of your valuables, including both your money and your reputations. Indeed a book I recently reviewed, How to be a Geek Goddess, did a great job at sharing what those in the business call vulnerabilities. However, the ‘peoples’ mother lode of such information resides on the US Federal Trade Commission’s site called OnGuard Online focused all aspects of the relationship between you and your computer and the thieves and nair-do-wells that are attempting to steal from you, or besmirch your good name.
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