MacLife: 11 Foolproof Ways to Make Your Mac Secure
"What, me worry?" Well, maybe you should - it's a wild, wild Web out there.

by Brian Maggi

If you think OS X is secure enough as it is, you're probably not looking at the bigger picture. No matter how much more secure your Mac is compared to a Windows PC, no machine is totally immune. You still need to be alert and vigilant when you venture past the safer confines of OS X and out onto the Internet. With our tips, you can think different by being more secure.

One of the many joys of using a Mac is not being plagued by the constant onslaught of viruses and security patches that our Windows-using friends must tolerate just to get through the day. Ask a Mac user what he does about security and he'll probably brag about doing nothing. We understand security can be a real buzzkill - and we're not donning our tinfoil hats yet. It's just that we expose ourselves to more and more risks as we continue moving into the uncharted territory of working - and living - online. Hackers, virus writers, and scam artists make it their business to come up with new ways to commit cybercrime and wreak havoc on the Web and on people's individual machines - yes, even Macs.

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