NetworkWorld: AV software: "I'm not quite dead yet"
Many organizations continue to use and benefit from antivirus software, while others have yet to use all of its capabilities

By Jon Oltsik
Apr 14, 2016

If you are a cybersecurity professional, you've probably read the quote, "AV is dead" hundreds or even thousands of times. The thought here is that antivirus software is no longer effective at blocking modern exploits and malware, thus its useful lifespan is effectively over.

Now, when any technology is declared "dead," it is usually an industry analyst (like me) who makes this type of provocative statement. I remember the analyst declaration "mainframe is dead" from the early 1990s and the more recent refrain portending the death of the PC. In this case, however, many people attribute the "AV is dead" soundbite to a former Symantec VP quote in the Wall Street Journal, which seems to give it more credibility. After all, if Symantec, the market leader, thinks AV is dead, then it sure as heck must be.

Not even close!

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