NetworkWorld: Macs under attack, who is safe?
Cyberattacks seems to pop up everywhere

By Ryan Francis
April 17, 2012

It was always thought that as Apple products increased in popularity, so would the target on its back placed by cybercriminals. Always looking to take down the king of the hill, cybercriminals finally got to Apple's Macs last week with a botnet that attacked more than 600,000 machines.

With such an accomplishment, the question is who is really safe from these attacks? The quick answer is no one. Anonymous has proven that.

One expert said recently, "it's the malware lurking in the background from these attacks that is truly scary. Right now advanced persistent malware is very expensive to do right and is not being produced by very many organizations, but it is getting cheaper, it's going to get modularized and mass produced."

While we chronicle the events that occurred around the Flashback botnet, we also review the security issues Microsoft has faced along with News Corp.

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