PC Advisor: How to rid your PC of spyware and rootkits
Security Advisor: step-by-step guide

By Andrew Brandt
November 12, 2007

It may sometimes seem as though the traditional short list of perils one cannot avoid ought to be expanded to: 'death, taxes, and spyware'. But all you need to get rid of spyware are the right free tools, some time, and a little know-how - which is where PC Advisor comes in, with our step-by-step guide to getting spyware and rootkits off your PC.

First a couple of warnings: removing spyware is as much art as it is science. The rogues who create spyware make removing their malicious programs as difficult as they can. In addition, some types of spyware download and install additional components, often hiding pieces of code from Windows to make removal even harder.

The instructions below will wipe out most forms of spyware, but your machine's infestation may resist these measures. If so, you may have to consult a professional PC repair person. Or you can start afresh by reformatting your hard drive and then reloading Windows, your apps, and your data files.

Note too that if you perform certain removal steps improperly, your PC could become inoperable. Our instructions call out these danger spots, but if you don't feel confident about performing them, ask for help from a knowledgeable friend or from the experts on a web forum such as PC Advisor's own Helproom Forum.

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