PC Magazine - Security Watch: What's the Best Mac Antivirus?
Oct 09, 2012
By Neil J. Rubenking

Austrian independent antivirus testing lab AV-Comparatives regularly subjects dozens of Windows-based antivirus programs t a rigorous battery of tests. They check whether each tool detects thousands of threats from hundreds of malware families and also run daily tests using brand-new threats to evaluate real-world protection. Now the well-regarded lab has released an initial report on antivirus tools specifically for the Mac platform.

According to the report, "the claim that Apple users are less threatened than Windows users is currently still correct, but could change rapidly. It was the low market share of Macs that limited the attention of online criminals. Now that Macs are becoming more popular, this state of affairs is changing."

In addition, phishing and other social engineering attacks are completely platform-independent. They rely instead on tricking the user. AV-Comparatives offers these words of advice for all Mac users:

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