ZDNet: Security 2016: Taking back the network
If you're tired of being threatened by identity theft, credit card hacks, social engineering, service station skimming, and malware-a-plenty, you're not alone. IT people are angry and are about to open a large can of old-fashioned whoop ass in the ongoing battle of good vs. evil.
By Ken Hess
December 15, 2015
When you think of security issues, you might think about a room full of gamers who've gone rogue as hackers. That might be a one-off group. You might think of Anonymous--a loosely organized group of geographically diverse hackers who collect enemies faster than ISIS does. Or do you 'get real' for a minute and think about the people sitting around you in your cubicle farm? If you thought about your cubicle clone...umm...coworkers, you're on the right track. Sure there are hacker groups out there and some of them are even 'state' sponsored, but they aren't as a big a threat as the guy who begrudgingly shares a network printer with you.
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